Course Details

Accountants always tell us they need more time. Actually, you don’t want more time. You want the space and freedom to decide how your time is best spent. When you outsource or offshore functions of your business, you’re able to take yourself out of the necessary work and find that space and time to focus on the important work. The work that will grow your business. The work you actually want to do more of.

During this session Vipul Sheth explores the following questions:

  • Is technology and/or outsourcing the answer to all your challenges?
  • What are clients looking for?
  • How does technology help?
  • What technology to use?

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CPD Course Speaker


Vipul Sheth

Growing up, Vipul’s parents had the best accountant, someone who brought them critical analysis, business experience and truth. Their accountant was there to navigate all the difficult paths for them. This is what an accountant is supposed to do and Vipul’s job at AdvanceTrack is to make sure that you have the time to do more of that.

Because his parents had help from their accountant, they were more successful. This meant he was afforded more opportunities in life. There are lots of people out there whose lives are better, because of their accountant.

Vipul wants everyone to be able to be an accountant that doesn’t just do a set of accounts, but is someone who changes lives.