Course Details

A mixture of the COVID pandemic, Brexit and threats of an economic crisis have sadly meant that more business owners are starting to look at exiting their businesses and the options available to them.   Even owners of businesses which are thriving in the current market need to consider what their end goals are, as it’s often not an overnight strategy which can be implemented. 


Makayla Combes covers the following topics during this session:

  • An overview of each option.
  • What does each option mean for the business and the owner?
  • What does the business need to do to implement each strategy? 
  • What are the tax implications of each option?
  • How do I know which option is best?

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CPD Course Speaker

Ad Valorem Accountancy Services Limited

Makayla Combes

Makayla heads up the Tax and Business Consultancy team at Ad Valorem, providing expert advice in a number of areas including:

- Property tax reliefs,
- Mergers and acquisitions,
- HMRC enquiries,
- Employee incentivisation, and
- Business growth and obtaining investment

Outside of this role, Makayla also sits on the New Tax Professionals committee at CIOT and ATT and is the UK representative for the European CFE New Tax Professionals Committee.