Course Details

A charity is an organisation whose primary objective is to complete actions for public benefit. 

They are funded by members of the public who make voluntary donations and they are indirectly funded by the taxpayer since they often receive government grants.

The money given to charities is given in the good faith, that the money will be used for public benefit.

There are so many Charities across Ireland providing supports to families and children who rely on the voluntary generosity of the public. The work of Charities is vital to all sectors of society. 

Therefore, maintaining public support for Charities is significant priority of those in government especially now with inflation, rising interest rates and a looming recession.

In the last year, some Charities have been the target of fraudsters or criminals to put it plainly. This may increase in the coming year and the criminals will become more sophisticated in their method of attack.

It is for the above reasons that the Regulators and the Institutes are paying closer attention to the Filings of Charities and the Audits of Charities.

In this session, Colm Owens & Elaine Jackson provide advice on;

  • How to address Fraud under ISA(UK) 240 (revised May 2021) 
  • The relevant Laws & Regulations to be considered at both planning and completion
  • Key compliance requirements under the Charities Act
  • Completeness of Income; Testing; Documentation/Evidence and Walk-Through Testing
  • How to address Going Concern under ISA(UK) 570 (revised October 2019)

CPD Course Speaker

Practice Support Executive, OmniPro

Colm Owens

As a member of our Practice Support team, Colm’s focus is on helping practices achieve on-going best practice compliance, prepare for monitoring visits and assist with post-monitoring visits follow-ups.

Having spent the 6 years prior to joining OmniPro as a quality reviewer with Chartered Accountants Ireland Colm has a unique insight into how firms operate, the challenges facing firms and how firms are responding to current issues facing them and the profession.

OmniPro Practice Support

Elaine Jackson

As a member of our Practice Support team, Elaine’s focus is on providing firm’s with assistance and training in the following areas; Anti-Money Laundering, Auditing, Preparing for Monitoring Visits and Post Monitoring Visit follow-ups.

Elaine has over 15 years Accountancy Practice experience which has provided her with a wealth of knowledge across all industries and sectors. Elaine is an AITI Chartered Tax Advisor, a Certified Public Accountant and holds a Diploma in Corporate Finance.